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Case Vignettes

Technical Assistance for Facilitating Solar Rooftop Investment in India

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

ADB's Technical Assistance (TA) program aimed to support the adoption of rooftop solar (RTS) in the following eight states and union territories: Karnataka, Kerala, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Puducherry, Lakshadweep, Goa, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana.


Major activities carried out:

  • Providing support in establishing Solar Rooftop Cells at DISCOMs and SNSs, assessing state policies, and enabling streamlined processes for RTS implementation.
  • Providing support to DISCOMs in vendor empanelment and assisting states in developing innovative business models for different consumer categories.
  • Conducting demand aggregation activities to promote the development of RTS market.
  • Organising marketing and awareness campaigns, workshops, and training programs to accelerate RTS adoption.

Market Sizing to estimate Demand and Potential for implementing RTS in MSME segments in the five targeted states (Maharashtra, Gujrat, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Rajasthan)

Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)

Major activities carried out:

  • Assessing the market size and demand for rooftop solar (RTS) products in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Gujarat, with a focus on specific industries/segments consuming high electricity and having access to rooftops, including clinics, hospitals, schools, atta chakki, agro-processing units, and other microenterprises in semi-urban and rural areas.
  • Addressing the financial barriers hindering the proliferation of RTS in the MSME sector by supporting an NBFC to launch a new product offering loans for RTS installations, with a specific focus on microenterprises in states where the NBFC was already present and in those targeted for future expansion.
  • Conducting secondary research to select 4-5 high energy-consuming demand segments for RTS installations.
  • Gathering inputs through questionnaires from selected MSMEs to understand their needs and requirements related to rooftop solar installations.
  • Compile a list of 15 engineering and procurement companies per state to potentially collaborate on RTS projects.

Designing Distribution Network Optimization Strategies in View of the Changing Landscape for an Electricity Utility

Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

Distributed Renewable Energy's emergence will significantly impact the distribution network, requiring new planning standards and investment strategies. Idam Infra studied JVVNL, Rajasthan, to review these effects.


Major activities carried out

Baseline Mapping and Impact Analysis
  • Finalizing the geography within JVVNL's jurisdiction and reviewing operational parameters, policies, and distribution investments.
  • Analysing the existing Distribution system capabilities and identifying emerging technologies affecting Distribution networks by conducting load growth forecasts, DER forecasts, and scenario analysis.
Designing a Futuristic Distribution Network:
  • Reviewing international case studies and Advanced Distribution Network Planning roadmaps from at least 2 international utilities.
  • Assessing the impact of Distributed technologies on the Distribution network at utility and micro-feeder levels, and recommending network integration technologies.
  • Visualization and pathway development for a Future Distribution Network.
Capex Planning and Piloting:
  • Quantifying capital investments needed for the Future Distribution Network and preparing investment strategies.
  • Developing new/revised Distribution Network Planning Indicators, conducting a pilot study to verify the impact of distributed technologies, and seeking stakeholder feedback for finalization.

Development of Mini-grid and Off-grid Regulatory Framework for Eswatini Electricity Supply Company

Eswatini Energy Regulatory Authority

Major activities carried out:

  • Developing a stable, comprehensive, cost-effective, efficient, and transparent regulatory framework for mini-grids and off-grids in Eswatini, including categorization, licensing framework, pricing models, safety requirements, technical standards, strategies and registration processes.
  • Conducting studies on relevant legislation and regulatory regimes in Eswatini's supply industry, and study best practices in mini-grid and off-grid sectors from other developing countries regionally and internationally for benchmarking.
  • Identifying key stakeholders with defined roles for the successful implementation of the regulatory framework.
  • Providing recommendations to improve policy, legislation, and technical and economic regulation of Eswatini's electricity supply industry concerning mini-grid and off-grid development.
  • Organising virtual workshops with the study team to ensure a thorough understanding of the developed tools and models.

Technical Standards for DER Integration: International Review, India's Gap Analysis, and the Way Forward

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ)

Major activities carried out:

  • Reviewing challenges and opportunities for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) integration in distribution grids, including an international perspective and a specific focus on India.
  • Examining technical standards and compliance monitoring for DER integration on a global scale and in the context of India.
  • Identifying the necessary grid modelling requirements to derive India-specific technical interconnection specifications and performance requirements for DERs.
  • Providing recommendations for technical standards and compliance mechanisms to facilitate DER integration in India's distribution grids.


  • ASPIRE programme has developed iDEEKSHA (Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Knowledge Sharing Platform), a rejuvenated Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP) in collaboration with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
  • iDEEKSHA promotes and shares energy-efficient technologies among large-scale industries.
  • The iDEEKSHA portal serves as a one-stop shop for the energy efficiency needs of industries under BEE's Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme.
  • It facilitates the adoption of new (Industrial Energy Efficiency & Decarbonisation) IEED technologies by Designated Consumers (DCs).
  • iDEEKSHA includes databases of proven/emerging technologies and technology providers/financial institutions.
  • It enhances adoption of energy-efficient technologies for energy-intensive industries under the PAT scheme.

Market Development Framework and Policy Mechanism for Offshore Wind (OSW) in India


  • Synthesis of offshore wind knowledge base for India Development of policies and regulation for OSW in India
  • Standard OSW development process consultation.
  • Market needs assessment.
  • Development of different components for offshore wind tender (document and process).
  • Tender outreach and stakeholder consultation.

Market Development Framework and Policy Mechanism for Offshore Wind (OSW) in India


Major activities carried out:

  • Synthesis of offshore wind knowledge base for India Development of policies and regulation for OSW in India
  • Standard OSW development process consultation.
  • Market needs assessment.
  • Development of different components for offshore wind tender (document and process).
  • Tender outreach and stakeholder consultation.

Assessment of the potential financial viability of Wind Repowering projects in India

USAID South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP)

Major activities carried out:

  • Detailed report on identification of projects, selection of representative projects, and justification for the selection basis.
  • Detailed site analysis and an outcome report outlining the potential capacity (MW) and energy (GWh) output for each of the projects.
  • Financial Analysis Report of a representative repowering project and 3-4 alternative business models along with relevant calculations.
  • Drafts of policy document, scheme document, and explanatory memorandum.
  • Report on stakeholder discussion covering agenda, participants list, copy of the presentation, and minutes.
  • Final policy document, scheme document, and explanatory memorandum.

Consulting support to Working Group (WG) initiated by the Forum of Regulators (FOR) on regulatory framework and guidelines for the promotion and deployment of eNergy Storage Systems (ESS) and Electric Vehicles (EVs) in India

USAID South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP)

Major activities carried out:

  • Assessment of different ESS technologies.
  • Examination of use cases of ESS in the power system.
  • Study of potential penetration of EVs in the Indian market and grid impacts of the same.
  • Study of international policy and regulatory mechanisms for energy storage and electric vehicles.
  • Study of existing P&R mechanisms in India and gap analysis of the same.
  • Identification of issues in promotion and deployment of ESS and EVs in India.
  • Recommendation of solutions for the promotion and deployment of ESS and EVs in India.
  • Support and participation in FOR WG meetings.
  • Support in drafting of FOR report on regulatory guidelines for ESS and EVs in India.

Consulting support to Working Group (WG) initiated by the Forum of Regulators (FOR) on regulatory framework and guidelines for the management of Renewable Energy (RE) curtailment in India

USAID South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP)

Major activities carried out:

  • Examination of the provisions of IEGC and State Grid Codes concerning the curtailment of Renewable Energy generation in different states.
  • Assessment and analysis of the guiding factors stipulated in the APTEL judgment for grid security.
  • Assessment of the consequences of Renewable Energy curtailment for reasons other than technical and grid security requirements, and the need for compensation thereof.
  • Suggestions apropos to the guidelines for the curtailment of generation from Renewable Energy projects in the Indian power system.
  • Support to FOR WG for drafting the report on regulatory guidelines for the management of RE curtailment in India.

Consulting support to Working Group (WG) initiated by the Forum of Regulators (FOR) on the computational methodology for Green Energy Open Access Regulations, 2022 (GEOA)

USAID South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP)

Major activities carried out:

  • Comparative analysis of selected states with respect to Open Access (OA) regulations and GEOA charges.
  • Presentation on the proposed methodology of OA Charges before the WG for discussions.
  • Support to FOR WG in the preparation of Draft Model Regulations under GEOA.

Consulting support for analysing India’s key flexible resources and identifying cost-effective strategies to integrate 500 GW of renewable resources nationally by 2030

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

Major activities carried out:

  • Support for the preliminary and detailed analysis of India’s Electricity Grid policy and regulatory environment.
  • Data collation and analysis.
  • Enabling dialogue with and participation from key industry stakeholders such as the Ministry of Power.
  • Support in conducting a webinar for comments.
  • Support in drafting of the report.

Consulting support for analysing India’s key flexible resources and identifying cost-effective strategies to integrate 500 GW of renewable resources nationally by 2030 for the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Rajasthan

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

Major activities carried out:

  • Data collection, consolidation, and verification.
  • PLEXOS configuration and scenario development.
  • Long-term capacity expansion and dispatch analysis.
  • Least-cost portfolios for power system investment in four states through 2030.
  • Presenting results to key stakeholders in all four states.
  • Publication of reports for all four states.
  • Conducting a national webinar on the studies of the four states.

Study of the Forecasting and Scheduling (F&S) and the Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) constructs in international and Indian electricity grids

Private Developer

Major activities carried out:

  • Detailed international case study on F&S and DSM in the international grids from USA (CAISO, ERCOT), Germany, and Spain.
  • Detailed analysis of CERC DSM Regulations, 2014, and CERC DSM Regulations, 2022.
  • Thorough data and comparative analysis of the impact of CERC DSM Regulations, 2014, and CERC DSM Regulations, 2022, on wind generators.
  • Recommendations for the proposed changes to CERC DSM Regulations, 2022.

Pumped storage hydro modelling and analysis of business models

Private Developer

Major activities carried out:

  • Modelling of pumped storage hydro (PSH) using PLEXOS for a given system and load projections under various scenarios.
  • Capacity expansion and dispatch analysis.
  • Financial analysis of various scenarios and identification of feasible business model(s).

State-level modelling for clean energy transition

Private Developer

Major activities carried out:

  • Data collection, consolidation, and verification.
  • PLEXOS configuration and development of scenarios.
  • Long-term capacity expansion and dispatch analysis including that of Offshore Wind.
  • Identification of resource mix under various scenarios.

Coal Swap Pilot analysis (ongoing)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

Major activities carried out:

  • Identification of the suitable plant for the pilot coal swap analysis.
  • Data collection and analysis of plant performance and criticality in electricity grids.
  • Analysis of coal swap with alternatives such as Renewable Energy and storage.
  • Cost-benefit analysis of coal swap.
  • Presentation of results to key stakeholders.

Regulatory Design and Analysis of Resource Adequacy (RA) Framework in India (ongoing)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

Major activities carried out:

  • Development of an Excel-based model and data analysis for Regional Resource Adequacy program in the Western Region.
  • Devising capacity crediting mechanisms for different resource types and addressing implementation challenges thereof.
  • Engaging in a consultative process with stakeholders and providing support during WG deliberations.
  • Examination of the cost implications of an RA program for the western states.
  • Designing capacity trading arrangements between the states.
  • Providing support to FOR WG in matters related to RA by participating in meetings, MoM, and the preparation of Report and Model Regulations.

Rejuvenation of Knowledge Exchange Platform under Accelerating Smart Power and Renewable Energy (ASPIRE) Program


Major activities carried out:

  • ASPIRE programme developed iDEEKSHA (Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Knowledge Sharing Platform), a rejuvenated Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP) in collaboration with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).
  • iDEEKSHA promotes and shares energy-efficient technologies among large-scale industries.
  • The iDEEKSHA portal serves as a one-stop shop for the energy efficiency needs of industries under BEE's Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme.
  • It facilitates the adoption of new Industrial Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation (IEED) technologies by Designated Consumers (DCs).
  • iDEEKSHA includes databases of emerging and proven technologies, technology providers, and financial institutions.
  • It enhances the adoption of energy-efficient technologies for energy-intensive industries under the PAT scheme.

Industrial Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Knowledge and Technology Partnerships

Major activities carried out:

  • Previous Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) cycles exploited low-hanging Energy Efficiency opportunities, but incremental gains are diminishing. Future progress requires deploying new technologies, approaches, investments, and partnerships.
  • Learning from the United Kingdom's experience, targeted interventions will accelerate the adoption of better industrial Energy Efficiency solutions.
  • Participating in activities that will catalyse partnerships and investments, closely aligned with knowledge development. has become necessary.
  • The focus of this initiative is on structured interventions for deploying proven solutions in key Indian industries.

Energy Audit and preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) including Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Energy Efficient Equipment at Vidyut Bhawan, West Bengal.

West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL)

Major activities carried out:

  • Energy Audit and DPR preparation for the 7th floor of Vidyut Bhawan, WBSEDCL headquarters
  • Supply, delivery, and installation of energy-efficient equipment.
  • Report presented with the aim of enhancing Energy Efficiency under the Investment Grade Energy Audit (IGEA) Programme.

Energy Efficiency Building (EEB): Bangalore Market Review Outline

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Major activities carried out:

  • Study of the city profile and real estate market overview of Bangalore.
  • Study of government policy and regulations for Energy Efficiency buildings.
  • Market analysis of EEB in Bangalore.
  • Study of financing options for EEB investments.
  • Workforce capacity building of stakeholders.
  • Development of Report.

Development of Business Models and Demonstration Projects for improving the Energy Efficiency of Distribution Transformers during the rewinding process.

International Copper Promotion Council of India (ICPCI)

Major activities carried out:

  • Techno-commercial feasibility assessment for replacement of aluminium with copper.
  • Cost-benefit analysis of various options available for the rewinding process.
  • Identification of benefits of the proposed rewinding process vis-à-vis those of the current process.
  • Development of business model and scenario analysis, including that of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) revenue.
  • Identification of investors and utility for the pilot project.
  • Roll-out and execution of the Pilot Demonstration Project.

Assistance to ONGC Tripura in the submission of Petition to CERC for an extension of the cut-off date in respect of the Civil Works related to the Residential Township for Palatana Project (2 x 363.3 MW)

ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited (OTPC)

OTPC Ltd. wished to submit a petition before CERC, seeking an extension of the 'Cut-Off Date' in the construction of a residential township for its employees at Khilpara, Tripura, on account of various reasons causing a delay. Idam Infra was engaged by OTPC Ltd. to share informed views from a regulatory perspective in this matter.


Major activities carried out:

  • Providing expert views on the merits of the case and assessing available documents to support the petition.
  • Assistance in preparing the draft petition for the extension of the Palatana Project before CERC.
  • Providing support during the hearing process.
  • Assistance in analysing the order issued by CERC and presenting the findings to management.

Consulting Support to Delhi MSW Solutions Ltd in the preparation and submission of project-specific Tariff Petition for its 24 MW Waste-to-Energy power project

Delhi MSW Solutions Limited

Delhi MSW Solutions Limited commissioned a Waste to Energy Project at Bawana Industrial area, New Delhi. The project comprised of two units of boilers producing 600 tons per day with a single stream turbine generator having a capacity of 24 MW. For the same, Delhi MSW Solutions Limited filed a petition for tariff determination before Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) for Sale of Power from the plant to the Distribution Licensee of Delhi. Delhi MSW Solutions Limited appointed Idam Infra to provide consulting support in the preparation and submission of a project-specific Tariff petition for its 24 MW Waste-to-Energy power project.


Major activities carried out:

  • Detailed analysis of the project Report of the Waste-to-Energy project by Delhi MSW Solutions Limited, Concessionaire Agreement with Municipal Corporation of Delhi, and Revenue Sharing Arrangement with North Delhi Municipal Corporation.
  • Preparation of a detailed Tariff model for the 24 MW Waste-to-Energy Power Project, taking into account the inputs from the documents mentioned above and CERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2012, including Fourth Amendment Regulations, 2015 w.e.f. 23.10.2015.
  • Preparation of draft Tariff petition to be submitted at DERC seeking a project-specific Tariff for the 24 MW Waste-to-Energy Power project.
  • Other assistance required by Delhi MSW Solutions Limited till admittance of the Tariff Petition by DERC.

Bid Advisory service for the sale of power from its Waste to Energy (WtE) Power Plant through Case-I bidding process initiated by BSES Rajdhani / BSES Yamuna Power. Ltd.

Tata Power Company (TPC) Limited

TATA Power engaged Idam Infra to provide regulatory support in Tariff determination, procure approval from DERC, and study the power selling mechanism. As part of the regulatory support, a study has been carried out to provide regulatory assistance and guidance to the client concerning waste-to-energy power generation, policy and regulatory issues and other factors related to WtE power generation.


Major activities carried out:

  • Study of policies, regulations, clearances required, and incentives offered by the selected State Governments concerning WtE power generation.
  • Assisting clients in regulatory issues related to WtE power generation.
  • Assessment of ground realities in selected states by collection of information related to operational and projected parameters through primary and secondary research.
  • Tariff determination of the power plant.
  • Support in drafting and filing petitions for tariff approval before DERC and support during the hearing process.

Assistance to Bangladesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC) for formulation of tariff norms for Wind and Solar generation and evolving Feed-in-Tariff framework for such RE generators in the Country

The Asia Foundation (TAF)

The Asia Foundation (TAF), together with technological and institutional support from the Institute of Renewable Energy, Dhaka University (IRE-DU), under the guidance of Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) have decided to undertake a comprehensive study for the development of Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) framework to facilitate the growth of Renewable Energy in Bangladesh.

The above study would be useful for BERC to formulate FIT Regulations and devise a regulatory framework for the promotion of Renewable Energy in Bangladesh. In this context, the Asia Foundation had engaged Idam Infra to assist the project team and provide the necessary consulting and technical support in the development of an effective FIT regulatory framework in Bangladesh.


Major activities carried out:

  • Review of legal, policy, and regulatory framework.
  • Determination of norms (general, financial and technology-specific) for Wind and Solar power plants.
  • Analysis of administrative aspects and provisions related to licensing, role of SREDA, Tariff approval process, control period regulations, issuance of Tariff Orders, and powers of BERC under BERC Act, 2003.
  • Preparation of a Discussion Paper.
  • Preparation of technical inputs for draft regulations.
  • Assistance during stakeholder consultation.
  • Modification of the Discussion paper and schedule of FIT Regulations.
  • Submission of the Final Report on FIT framework.

Assistance in drafting a Reply in the matter of a Petition filed by the InWEA before APTEL against the failure of various utilities and captive consumers to fulfil RPOs as per regulations issued by the State Commissions. (O.P. no.1 of 2013)

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC)

A petition was filed by InWEA invoking the Original Jurisdiction of the APTEL, under Section 121 of the EA, 2003, against the failure of various utilities and captive consumers to fulfil RPOs as per regulations issued by several State Commissions to implement the provisions of the EA, 2003, and the applicable Regulations concerning the purchase of Renewable Energy. With respect to Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC), it was alleged that the MERC initiated proceedings for verifying the compliance of RPO targets by RInfra-D and TPC-D, and that it had wrongfully allowed exemptions through a carry forward mechanism.


Major activities carried out:

  • Scrutiny of the petition and grounds of the petition.
  • Analysis of the orders issued by the commission in this matter.
  • Assistance in preparing an affidavit in response to the petition on behalf of MERC.
  • Assistance in representing MERC during the proceedings.

Expert Report on the budgetary, fiscal, and financial reforms for the development of Renewable Energy in India

Climate Parliament

Climate Parliament undertook this study to help India achieve the target of generating 15% RE power by 2020. The objective of this assignment was to critically analyse the existing policies, schemes, programmes, institutional and financial provisions, implementation and monitoring mechanisms, etc., with the objective of adjudging their adequacy in meeting the target of 15% RE by 2020.

As an outcome of this study, Idam Infra recommended measures on the budgetary, financial, and fiscal front as well as proposed amendments to Central and State government policies to achieve the said target.


Major activities carried out:


Description of actual services provided by firm:

Phase 1

  • Inception meeting with stakeholders.
  • Analysis of the current scenario.

Phase 2

  • Evolving a Best-Case Scenario.
  • Recommendations for the implementation plan.
  • Envisioning India's Renewable Energy scenario beyond 2020

Assistance in the preparation and submission of Transmission Licence Application for IEPL

Tata Power Company (TPC) Limited

IEPL submitted its application for obtaining a Transmission license for the assets used for the evacuation of power from its generation plant at Bela in Nagpur district. Idam Infra assisted IEPL on behalf of Tata Power in filing this application.


Major activities carried out:


  • Assisting IEPL in preparing the petition for obtaining a transmission license for power evacuation from its Bela generation plant in the Nagpur district.
  • Representing Tata Power in filing the Transmission license application on behalf of IEPL.
  • Providing assistance throughout the entire process of preparing and submitting the petition for Transmission license application.
  • Providing necessary data and information to support the petition for Transmission license application.

Assistance to Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) in the analysis and preparation of the InSTS Order for the 4th Control Period from FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25.

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC)

As per the MERC Regulations, the transmission ARR of various transmission licensees such as MSETCL, TPC-T, etc. and other new transmission licensees in the State has to be pooled together and be recovered from various transmission system users (TSUs) including distribution licensees in proportion to their transmission capacity utilization.

Accordingly, Idan Infra was engaged in the analysis and preparation of the MYT Order incorporating trued-up ARR of various transmission licensees such as MSETCL, TPC-T, JPTL (Jaigad), ATIL (Adani), MEGPTCL, etc. for 4th Control Period FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25.

Major activities carried out:

  • Review of latest Biz Plan/MYT/Mid-term review order for verification of approved ARR of the intra-State transmission licensee, approved revenue gap, carrying cost for transmission Utilities, MSETCL, TPC-T, JPTL, MEGPTCL, ATIL, etc. for consideration in the tariff Order
  • Preparation of tariff model for determination of transmission tariff for Maharashtra
  • Assistance in the Preparation of the draft Transmission Tariff Order
  • Assistance in the finalization of Tariff Order.

Advisory support to the Regulatory Department of Tata Power Company (TPC) Limited in matters related to the Distribution Utility Business of Mumbai.

Tata Power Company (TPC) Limited

Idam Infra provided consultancy support to Tata Power with respect to regulatory matters, licensing aspects and regulatory process support to facilitate Tata Power's various initiatives related to generation, transmission, distribution, and renewable energy business in Maharashtra and across India.


Major activities carried out:


  • Support in the analysis of regulatory framework and the formulation of regulatory strategy and associated regulatory process, as necessary.
  • Support related to the implementation of license conditions of the licensed business of Tata Power.
  • Policy advocacy-related support in various matters such as segregation of wires, supply cost and operations, Open Access transactions, captive power plant structuring-related issues, rooftop solar regulations, etc.
  • Preparation of the approach paper on 'Competitive framework for the Distribution business in Mumbai', describing the concept of One Mumbai, One Network..

Assistance to MERC in the matter of Petition filed by Jaigad Power Transco Ltd. (JPTL) for True-up of Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19, Provisional True-up of FY 2019-20 and the Determination of Multi-Year Tariff for the 4th Control Period from FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25. (Case No. 294 of 2019)

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC)

Idam Infra assisted the Commission in the following activities:

  • Scrutiny of the Investment plan and Tariff petition
  • Identification of financial and regulatory data gaps in the petition
  • Assistance during Technical Validation Session
  • Assistance during public hearings and approval of Investment plan
  • Presentation on key regulatory issues
  • Preparation of draft Financial Tariff model
  • Preparation of draft Order
  • Support in finalization of Order after incorporating comments of the Commission along with preparation of press release.

Assistance in the preparation and submission of Distribution Licence Application for the Mumbai area and support in the related matters in the course of processing of the Application by MERC till issuance of Distribution Licence

The Tata Power Company Ltd

Tata Power's erstwhile Distribution Licence was expiring on August 15, 2014. In response to MERC's EoI, Tata Power submitted its EoI and, subsequently, its application for the Grant of Distribution Licence for the areas of South Mumbai, a part of Mumbai Suburbs, and Mira-Bhayender Municipal Corporation for a period of 25 Years. Accordingly, TPC engaged Idam Infra to provide a comprehensive Business Plan and Network Roll-out Plan for the next 5 years.

Major activities carried out:

  • Assistance in the preparation of the application
  • Preparation of the Business Plan.
  • Preparation of the Network Roll-out Plan.
  • Assistance in the submission of additional information, data gaps, and response to objections raised by MERC.
  • Assistance to Tata Power in the appeal in ATE against Grant of Licence.

Assistance in the preparation and submission of Distribution Licence Application for the Mumbai area and support in the related matters in the course of processing of the Application by MERC till issuance of Distribution Licence

BEST Undertaking

As per BEST Undertaking MYT Order 324 of 2019 dated 30.03.2020, the Commission had directed BEST to explore alternative cheaper sources for power procurement upon expiry of the existing PPAs. Furthermore, in Case 238 of 2020, the Commission has directed BEST to conduct a detailed impact assessment of Open Access (OA) on BEST's Distribution Network. In line with this direction, BEST Undertaking engaged Idam Infra to prepare a power purchase plan and study the impact of Open Access.


This assignment involved the following activities for Power Procurement Planning:


  • Review of the existing power procurement arrangement and PPAs of BEST Undertaking.
  • Review of MERC Orders regarding Power purchase approvals and directives for BEST.
  • Analysis of the past trends of demand and supply of BEST Undertaking (Pre-Covid and Post-Covid).
  • Demand Forecasting.
  • Evaluation of power procurement strategies for BEST to optimise their power purchase cost.
  • Analysis of the electricity market and best suitable options for BEST for short-term, medium-term and long-term power procurement.
  • Discussions with BEST and the finalisation of power procurement petitions for submission before MERC.
  • Support to BEST during the regulatory process before MERC.
  • Analysis of the MERC orders, discussions with BEST, and the way forward.

This assignment involved the following activities for Open Access Analysis:

  • Review and analysis of Open Access (OA) related past MERC Orders of Distribution Licensees in Maharashtra (TATA Power, AEML-D and BEST Undertaking).
  • Analysis of MERC Order 238 of 2020 of BEST Undertaking for limited OA and other directives.
  • Analysis of possible avenues for Open Access and an impact assessment study of Open Access in BEST Licensee area.
  • Economic impact analysis of Open Access on BEST Undertaking's licensee business.

Assistance to WBERC in a matter of APR petition filed by IPCL for True-up of APR for FY 2016-17 (4th Control period) and FY 2017-18 (5th Control period)

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (WBERC)

Idam Infra assisted WBERC in the following activities:

  • Scrutiny of the Tariff petition.
  • Identification of financial and regulatory data gaps in the petition.
  • Assistance during the Technical Validation session.
  • Assistance during public hearings and approval of Investment plan.
  • Presentation on key regulatory issues.
  • Preparation of draft Tariff model.
  • Preparation of draft Order and the finalization of Order.
  • Support in the finalization of Order after incorporating comments from the Commission.

Advisory to JNPT for Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Energy Efficiency Projects and Distribution License related matter

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust appointed Idam Infra to provide its advisory role in the Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, and Energy Efficiency projects undertaken by JNPT. Idam Infra advised JNPT in the following activities:

  • Assistance in the implementation of RE projects, resolving net-metering issues.
  • Assistance in the implementation of new initiatives taken for the Energy Efficiency projects.
  • Assistance in the regulatory issues and coordination with regulatory authorities.

Major activities carried out:

  • Assistance in the implementation of RE Projects, resolving net-metering issues.
  • Advising on the floating solar power plant proposal and its execution.
  • Coordinating with MERC, other statutory bodies, as well as MNRE.
  • Advising on the applicability of the Electricity Act, 2003 with subsequent amendments, if any, and its implications. In addition, also advising on the statutes applicable to electricity, RE, and any other electrical energy issues.
  • Assisting and advising JNPT in the implementation of Energy Efficiency initiatives, payback period calculations, adapting to the latest technologies, and providing recommendations on the best possible options.
  • Assistance in miscellaneous regulatory issues and coordination with the various regulatory authorities.

Assistance to Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) in the matter of Scrutiny of CAPEX Scheme submitted by M/s Gigaplex Estates Pvt. Ltd. (GEPL), (a Distribution Licensee in the State)

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission

As per the MYT regulations, utilities are mandated to obtain in-principal approval of such capex schemes which have an overall value of Rs. 10 crore or more. The Commission has also notified its specific guidelines for the scrutiny of such capex schemes. Idam Infra assisted MERC in the scrutiny of various capex schemes by one of the deemed distribution licensees in the State and supported the Commission in the following scope of activity:

  • Preliminary review of DPR.
  • Preparation of the initial data gaps.
  • Benchmarking the Cost of the scheme with similar schemes.
  • Review of the reply to data gaps.
  • Preparation of the additional data gaps.
  • Review of the reply to additional data gaps.
  • Discussion with internal staff of the Commission.
  • Preparation of the note for in principle-capex approval

Consultancy support to TSERC in the preparation of a discussion paper and draft regulations on distribution franchises or alternate business models for single-point supply

Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission (TSERC)

Idam Infra provided support to TSERC in the preparation of discussion paper and draft regulations on distribution franchises or alternate business models for single-point supply.

Major activities carried out:

  • Preparing discussion papers and draft regulations.
  • Analysis of the concerns acts and regulations.
  • Approach and Methodology - Preparation of the Discussion Paper
  • Review of the regulatory framework.
  • Review of the current practices with respect to single-point supply.
  • Issues associated with the current scheme in Telangana.
  • Review of different models/practices adopted by various other states in terms of single-point supply/sub-metering and a comparative analysis.
  • Analysis of pros and cons of various models.
  • Analysis of regulatory issues associated with the implementation of various models.

Assistance to the Commission in the Preparation of Draft Regulations on Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement Mechanism for Wind and Solar Generating Station at the state Level.

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission

Model F&S Regulations to be followed at the state level were formulated by the Forum of Regulators (FOR). Idam Infra assisted the MERC in the formulation of the F&S Regulations for the State of Maharashtra.

Some aspects of the proposed F&S Framework were as mentioned below:

  • Objective and Scope
  • Pre-conditions for participation in F&S Mechanism.
  • Principles for operationalising F&S Mechanism.
  • Declaration, scheduling, and elimination of gaming.
  • Deviation charges.
  • Limits on the Deviation volume and consequences of crossing these limits.
  • Accounting of the charges for Deviation.

In line with the above aspects, Idam Infra assisted the Commission in the formulation of the F&S Regulations.

Assistance to MERC in the formulation of Renewable Purchase Obligation, its compliance, and REC framework Implementation Regulations, 2016, for the new Control Period (FY 2016-17 to FY 2020).

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission

MERC notified RPO Regulations for the first control period FY 2010-11 to FY 2015-16, post the completion of which there was a need to specify the RPO target for the next control period. Furthermore, various policy changes and developments during the 1st control period created the necessity to amend various provisions of the prevailing RPO Regulations. Idam Infra assisted MERC in the formulation of RPO targets and amended various provisions of RPO Regulations for the new control period FY 2016-17 to FY 2019-20.

Major activities carried out:

  • Review of the provisions in the existing RPO Regulations.
  • Study of the policy environment and recent developments pertaining to RPO.
  • Suggestions for amending the existing provisions of RPO regulations.
  • Working out RPO Targets for the new control period.
  • Compilation and summary of comments received in public consultation.
  • Discussions with the commission in the finalisation of RPO regulations.

Assisting the Technical Committee of the Forum of Regulators (FOR) in the Implementation of Model Regulations for Forecasting and Scheduling (F&S), and DSM Framework at the state level

Forum of Regulators (FOR)

The FOR Technical Committee of States was formed under the chairmanship of Shri A K Bakshi, Member CERC. This committee comprised of technical members of State Commissions from renewable-rich states, viz., Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. This committee was mandated to develop a roadmap for the implementation of the following:

  • Introduction/implementation of ABT framework at the state level as mandated in the National Electricity Policy and Tariff Policy.
  • Deployment and implementation of Framework on Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement of Wind and Solar generating stations at the state level.
  • Introduction of Ancillary Services and Reserves at the state Level.
  • Implementation of AGC and primary control within the states.
  • Providing periodic reports to the FOR.


FOR engaged Idam Infra as a consultant to assist the Technical Committee in the discharge of these mandates.


Major activities carried out:


  • Overview of the status of ABT in states and suggesting ways to overcome constraints involved in the implementation of ABT, working in tandem with the Committee to evolve Model Regulations on ABT/Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) for the states.
  • Assisting with the inputs on identifying challenges and suggesting measures for the implementation of State Level Framework on Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement of Renewables.
  • Assisting with the inputs on identifying challenges and suggesting measures for the implementation of State Level Framework on Ancillary Services/Reserves.
  • Any other task required in pursuance of achieving the objectives of the Committee.

Assistance to Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) in the approval of Multi-Year Tariff (MYT) Petition filed by MSEDCL for the True-up of FY 2015-16 and 2016-17, Provisional True-up of FY 2017-18 and Determination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2018-19 to FY 2019-20

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC)

MSEDCL filed MTR petitions to MERC in November 2017. In this regard, the scope of services offered by Idam Infra to MERC is as follows:

  • Review of the MTR petitions prepared by MSEDCL for their distribution businesses.
  • Analyse petitions and give strategic inputs before submission to MERC.

Major activities carried out:

  • Scrutiny of the Investment plan and Tariff petition.
  • Identification of the financial and regulatory data gaps in the petition.
  • Assistance during Technical Validation Session.
  • Assistance during Public Hearings and approval of Investment plan.
  • Presentation on key regulatory issues.
  • Preparation of draft Financial Tariff model.
  • Preparation of draft Order
  • Support in finalization of Order after incorporating comments of the Commission along with preparation of press release

Assistance to MERC in the matter of Multi-Year Tariff (MYT) petition filed by Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Ltd. (MSEDCL) for the True-up of Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19, Provisional True-up of FY 2019-20, and in the Determination of Multi-Year Tariff for the 4th Control Period from FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC)

Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd. submitted a petition in the matter of True-up of ARR for FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21, FY 2021-22, Provisional True-up of FY 2022-23 and Determination of Tariff for FY 2023-24 to FY 2024-25. MERC appointed Idam Infra to assist in the preparation of the MYT order.

Major activities carried out:

  • Identification of financial and regulatory data gaps in the petition.
  • Presentation on key regulatory and tariff design issues for Technical Validation Session and post-public hearing.
  • Detailed analysis of the MYT petition of MSEDCL covering sales forecast, power purchase plan including renewable energy, Merit Order Despatch Modelling, scrutiny of capex and capitalisation, and the finance plan.
  • Preparation of a financial model for the determination of ARR for Multi-Year Tariff (MYT) period.
  • Preparation of a tariff model and tariff designing for various consumer categories including Time-of-Day concept.
  • Support in the finalization of Order after incorporating comments from the Commission.